revived this directly from Finland, for the purpose of doing a video. It's a slightly expensive mod that I did not pay for, therefore it has no value to me. nnNow then. The EA is probably my favorite mechanical mod I have used in a long time. It's time to point out my glaring hypocrisy here , but I once said "I can't use mechanicals anymore" well I was wrong. Wicked wrong. Not only are mechanicals great for RBAs , but they are durable and long lasting as well. nnGood design, good construction, nice button, good airflow ( with the adjustable airflow cap ) The EA mod is a GG look alike, no doubt about it. And its priced about $30 to $35 cheaper than mod GG mods. nnThe EA mod is versatile, and will use a verity of different batteries, including an 18650 with kick. nnRemember when you are "snugging it up" go slow and be careful, the floating center pin design makes it incredibly easy to destroy the 510 connection on your atomizer or cartomizer. nnIn the USA you can get the EA mod from these retailersnn so much for watching everyone!n nnHuge shoutouts to VapeLyfe and VaporCraze, and many others. For help defending our right to vape in California nn
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